Objective news from across the realm of Rhy'Din.


The Watch from the Inside
By: Candace Twist, of the Tropicana Twist

Late at night in a dark alley is usually the last place you would like to run into a member of the Rhy'Din Watch, but that is just what happened Tuesday night. The Watch woman took the time to answer some questions on what she felt the state of the Watch was.
The unidentified Watch woman stated that she received her appointment to the watch from the Governor herself after lifting a small dragon over her head. Assigned to Station #3, the West End station, she has yet to be sent to any of the larger crime scenes, covering mostly petty theft and street patrols.
When asked about the the recent deaths in the watch she stated, "Terrible loss, but I ain't met a beast or demon or whatever that did not fall to my magic blade, so I am not at all worried." Questioning further on about the deaths, and the Watch members with no magic, "Well they need to train harder in swordplay. See my magic is only upon my blade, and I could easily enchant a blade for 'em... just no one asks."
Our source claimed that the Watch was adequately trained, but underpracticed in sword skill compared to some of the local religious orders. She went on further to explain that, "I think we are doing

our best to keep the violence at least contained in the WestEnd. I mean, those of no magical arms cannot hope to compete with a sorcerer or evil priest who decides to go on a rampage."
Station #3 is the closest to the areas patrolled by the Sisters of Scathach. Asked about the Sisters and their relations with the Watch: "All I know is what I hear from my superiors... the sisterhood is a bunch of vigilantes who can be just as bad as the criminals. My personal opinion: they are trying to help. This is an unconventional war, we need unconventional means."
To further clarify what she meant as "unconventional means" she went on to explain she personally does not support the taking of prisoners, opting for capital punishment and execution without benefit of trial. She felt that the judicial system,"is flawed, but that is how it is. I mean, take murderers. They go out and kill for no reason other than self gratification and we capture them, hold them, feed them. Better to just run 'em through and get it over with."
When asked what changes she would recommend to the Watch, she stated, "Greater weapons and the training in their use."

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