Objective news from across the realm of Rhy'Din.


For Sale or Trade
One iguana slightly used
Rhy'Din Petting Zoo
Help Wanted Waitress
Must be willing to wear costumes. Apply In person to Kireth Kaut
Alley Cat Club, Dockside
Thirty-two tons of Kumquats Contact Chef Vivione Brutoni's Fruit and Pasta Bar.
For Sale
RPRA Stable Registrations Contact
Mister Martingale Tropicana Sands Arena
Help Wanted Security
Rhy'Din City Watch:
Good benefits, includes dental
Apply to
Tom of the Watch


Rhy'Din Rubber Ducky Marathon
By: Rodney Rowenstien, Sports, Rhy'Din Vindicator

Sponsored by Doom Chicken Incorporated and the Rhy'Din Municipal Court, the first annual Rhy'Din Rubber Ducky Marathon is scheduled for Friday, September 21st, in the Marketplace at 10 PM EST. Citizens are invited to purchase a duck to race for 10 silver crowns up until the time of the race. All proceeds to go to The Rhy'Din Watch Widows Fund, administered by the Rhy'Din Municipal Court. For each donation made Doom Chicken Inc. will make a matching donation. Prizes will be awarded for the ten ducks who reach the finish line first.

Dueling Triple Challenge
By: Rodney Rowenstien, Sports, Rhy'Din Vindicator Chronicle

On August 27th, Bran Bale posted challenges at the city's three dueling venues.
The first challenge issued was against Etherean Esperwind for the Tower of Fire. The challenge is scheduled for Thursday, August 30th.
The second challenge issued was against Koyalik
VanDuran-Simon for MoonBeryl. The challenge was
fought the same night it was issued with Mr. Bale taking home the opal.
The final challenge issued was to G'nort Dragoon Talanador for the Baronial Ring of Old Martket. No date and time has yet been set for this challenge.

Upcoming Sporting Events

Archmage Tournament, Monday September 3rd, Twilight Island

RPRA Fall Season Invitational, Saturday September 8th, Tropicana Sands Arena

Talon of Redwin Tournament, Sunday September 9th, DoS Arena

Rhy'Din Rubber Ducky Marathon, Friday September 21st, Marketplace

Its Raining...Pie?
By: Candace Twist of the Tropicana Twist
Contributor: ((Elly))

Early in the morning on August 15 Residents of Rhy'Din were shocked by a strange turn in the weather. Pie filling began falling from the sky in several of the poorer districts of the city. Citizens were seen scrambling for pots pans and anything they could find to hold this bounty from heaven.

Unconfirmed reports have three poor orphans and a fat man brawling in the streets over a rusted bucket filled with apple pie filling. Also three gnomes were dragon lifted to the nearby Rhy'Din Crisis Medical Center with cases of Furza Fruit poisoning.

Cleanup crews worked round the clock to remove the remains of the odd but delicious rain before vermin and other health issues arose. All salvageable filling was delivered to the Bleak Street Spoon and Knife Soup Kitchen, where it is being distributed to anyone who asks.
An editorial by: Robert Mitchell of the Rhy'Din Vindicator

"Where have all the heroes gone?" It seems to be a question on the mind of a lot of the common citizens of Rhy'Din, who have suffered the most in the recent outbreak in crime. Circulating amongst them are the City Watch, and the Scathachians, but for some reason, there just doesn't seem to be that large of a dent in the crime levels.
Could it be because of the lack of teamwork on the part of the city? There seems to be a prevailing attitude of, "Someone else will take care of it." But the problem is, aside from the occasional brave heart, or the circulating and overworked groups, there is no someone else.
In my opinion, the first thing that would need to be done has already been mentioned in this here paper; the Scathachians and the Watch should make a pact to work together. Watch statistics show that only 1% of the members are magic users, and that is 'hedge magic' -- the rest are common people. The Scathachians, on the other hand, are trained warriors with a certain level of magical ability amongst their number.
So, how can they work together?
The first answer is, of course, to do away with the prevailing animosity. There is little reason for two groups dedicated to the same cause to be treating each other like the criminals they're trying to put away.

There needs to be a serious sit down between Governor Helston and the Sisters of Scathach about what the Governor needs from the Sisters in terms of help, and how they might be able to do so. Then she needs to speak to her Watch about how they can benefit from the help, and likewise, how the Sisterhood could benefit from the Watch. There is something to be offered on both sides. The Watch could certainly use some fight training; the Sisterhood could use a little training in judiciary matters -- while their self-appointed task is an important one, a truly civilized would relies not on the judgment of one small group in dealing with matters, but on the civilization as a whole.
The second answer is this: The common citizen does need to get involved. They need to learn how to defend themselves, they need to learn how to guard their lives and those of their neighbors from the unholy elements loose in the city. Magic users of all levels should practice defensive measures; warriors should teach the common how to protect themselves. Everyone law-abiding should be willing to reach out to their fellow citizen and offer what they can.
Is this an idealistic view? Yes. Absolutely it is.
But truer words were never spoken than this: If we don't start working together, then we will surely die apart.
Tell us what you think: We're always listening.

Rhy'Din Healthcare System?
An editorial by: Candace Twist of the Tropicana Twist

I recently asked a random sampling of Rhy'Din Citizens what they thought of the Rhy'Din Health care system. Four out of five didn't even know we had a health care system, and the fifth said she just visits an random assortment of faith healers and friends with first aid kits.

This is reprehensible. We have a large population and no healthcare system? No wonder people are dying left and right! With no affordable health care and a lack of hospitals and clinic people have no choice but to bleed and die in the street. Kudos go to Governor Helston and the Chicken Avenger for the Dockside Clinic currently under construction, but is their efforts too little too late?
Perhaps this is a good platform for hopefuls for the governors seat next year?

Basic Public Safety Tips from the Watch

The Rhy'Din Watch has released these public safety tips in the hopes to save more lives and reduce crime on the streets.

1. Stay indoors at night. While some criminal elements of Rhy'Din operate during the daylight hours, most prefer to commit their crimes at night. Staying indoors is not a guarantee of safety, but it reduces chance encounters. Especially avoid areas that have been noted to be a problem in the past.

2. Lock your doors and windows. In high crime areas of the city, consider getting bars and an alarm system of some sort. Dogs are also considered to be a good deterrent. Common citizens who don't use magic may also consider contracting with a mage in order to add wards to their property in order to keep out the magic using criminal element.

3. Travel in groups, the larger the group the better. Never travel alone, especially at night, if it's at all avoidable.

4. Know your area, where the Watch stations are, where you can find safe haven if you're being followed. Pay attention to who is around you, their demeanor and whether or not they look as though they're considering an attack.

5. Buy a weapon and learn how to use it proficiently. The Rhy'Din Watch offers some basic self-defense courses, but training with a weapon and carrying it all times will help deter less violent criminals. Those who know magic should study it further and become proficient enough to heal, protect themselves and teleport or open a portal to some safe place if an attack is imminent.

The Watch from the Inside
By: Candace Twist, of the Tropicana Twist

Late at night in a dark alley is usually the last place you would like to run into a member of the Rhy'Din Watch, but that is just what happened Tuesday night. The Watch woman took the time to answer some questions on what she felt the state of the Watch was.
The unidentified Watch woman stated that she received her appointment to the watch from the Governor herself after lifting a small dragon over her head. Assigned to Station #3, the West End station, she has yet to be sent to any of the larger crime scenes, covering mostly petty theft and street patrols.
When asked about the the recent deaths in the watch she stated, "Terrible loss, but I ain't met a beast or demon or whatever that did not fall to my magic blade, so I am not at all worried." Questioning further on about the deaths, and the Watch members with no magic, "Well they need to train harder in swordplay. See my magic is only upon my blade, and I could easily enchant a blade for 'em... just no one asks."
Our source claimed that the Watch was adequately trained, but underpracticed in sword skill compared to some of the local religious orders. She went on further to explain that, "I think we are doing

our best to keep the violence at least contained in the WestEnd. I mean, those of no magical arms cannot hope to compete with a sorcerer or evil priest who decides to go on a rampage."
Station #3 is the closest to the areas patrolled by the Sisters of Scathach. Asked about the Sisters and their relations with the Watch: "All I know is what I hear from my superiors... the sisterhood is a bunch of vigilantes who can be just as bad as the criminals. My personal opinion: they are trying to help. This is an unconventional war, we need unconventional means."
To further clarify what she meant as "unconventional means" she went on to explain she personally does not support the taking of prisoners, opting for capital punishment and execution without benefit of trial. She felt that the judicial system,"is flawed, but that is how it is. I mean, take murderers. They go out and kill for no reason other than self gratification and we capture them, hold them, feed them. Better to just run 'em through and get it over with."
When asked what changes she would recommend to the Watch, she stated, "Greater weapons and the training in their use."

The Sisterhood on Record
By: Candace Twist of the Tropicana Twist
and Robert Mitchell of the Rhy'Din Vindicator

As one of the groups that fights crime in the city, the Sisters of Scathach agreed to speak about the ideals, goals and relationships with the city. Primarily leading the interview with the Sisterhood was Isuelt DeRomiano, who when asked about the Sisterhood had this to say: "Well, we are followers of Scathach...the Goddess of War. And, as her followers, we are trained from a very early age in the artform of battle and military prowess. In seclusion, and away from men." She also went on record as saying that the Sisterhood could be called a religious order of warriors, considered priestesses.
Delphinea Quinn answered when asked what the beliefs of the Scathachians were, "We believe that there is an order in the natural world, as many other sects do. However, we also believe that it is natural for beings to want to upset that balance, and it is our responsibility, as guardians of righteous warfare to uphold the balance to the best of our abilities.
"That is the reason that we have been summoned here. We have witnessed great crimes and wrongs, and as daughters of Scathach, we must swear vengeance for those who are unjustly treated."
Quinn continued on to explain, "Scathach is a goddess of war, after all. We would not be guardians if we could not follow our patroness into battle. To literally fight for what we know is right. We are Judges."
DeRomiano answered, when asked what scales the Sisterhood used to judge and how they balance those scales: "This city is bleeding... And is in desperate need of a tourniquet." She gestured to her sash, the crimson mark that the Sisterhood wears to identify them. "Justice is finding those who would disrupt peace, disrupt lives

and bring them to authorities." Quinn then added, "Or if there are no authorities, we become the authority." DeRomiano clarified, "Judge, jury, and executioner."
While it is well known that the Sisterhood and the Rhy'Din Watch do not share relations, DeRomiano had this to say about the other law enforcement agency of the realm: "The City Watch... what a joke! ... I don't know what they're watching, but this city is a mess, no thanks to them!" She also said, "All I know is that my Sisters have been hitting the streets and following leads. We've been getting into scuffs and have not lost one of our members. We are closing in on the criminals in this city and the vile filth that preys on the WestEnd."
However, there seemed to be room for improvement in the relationship between the Scathachians and the Rhy'Din Watch. DeRomiano said, when asked if she would be willing to work with the Watch on training and perhaps foster mutual aid, "Of course!"
A young woman who's name will not be disclosed but who is training with the sisterhood added, "The Scathachians are able to do more than the Watch ever could; not because the Watch isn't any good -- for normal folks they are -- but maybe if they were better trained and prepared...then WestEnd would not be WestEnd."
Quinn had this to say about how the general population could help the Sisterhood meet their goals: "Tips, especially from those in crime-ridden
areas, as to the whereabouts of known criminals and shady circumstances would help us immensely. Perhaps that's the best way for the masses to get involved. Aiding us with information."
But DeRomiano cautions that she does not want the general

population running out into the night to fight crime, "By no means do we need people running out into the night, thinking that they are going to make a difference. We are trained for this sort of thing... although urban warfare is a new one." Quinn added in elaboration, "Of course we would not want any further deaths or complications. We are here to protect these people, not encourage them into foolish heroics."
DeRomiano also spoke on the situation in the WestEnd. "It's the underbelly of the city, to begin with. Illegal smuggling, slaving, gambling circles, petty crime, murder, rape. Everything a big city tries to sweep under the rug. Complicate that with the fact that there is now some sort of organization that is happening, complete with supernatural or preternatural ingredients and you've got a region of the city where people are afraid to be after dark. ... And you've got the bad guys trying to intimidate the law keepers, namely us."
The Sisterhood offered tips about how people can guard themselves better in the WestEnd, similar to tips that the Rhy'Din Watch released. The tips offered were to travel in groups of three or more people at night, to keep doors and windows locked and to report crime and criminals as its seen or known.
Quinn had this to say when asked for final thoughts: "...The Sanctuary is always open. As it ever was. It is a place of refuge for all who would seek the protection of its walls."
And final thoughts on the state of the city were offered by DeRomiano, "Basically, we are working hard to tear this city from the clutches of those who would see it flung into hell. And it will be done, we will clean this mess."

Rhy'Din Watch in Disrepair
A report on the state of Station 5
By: Rob Mitchell, of the Rhy'Din Vindicator

Station 5, belonging to the city as housing for the Rhy'Din Watch is a small building with apparently large problems. According to Tom Thompson, one of the permanent residents of the Station, it has five who live there full time and sixteen overall, eleven who rotate shifts.

The building has holes in the roof, as well as some cracked walls, and outdated electric and plumbing. While a bill has been introduced to add a hundred new members to the Watch, there is no word currently about whether the disrepair the stations have fallen into will be addressed.

According to Tom Thompson, only one of the sixteen rotating members of Station Five has any experience in magic, and is only a low level magic user. There has also been no word as to whether or not this gap in the city's defenses will be addressed or not in the near future.

Dockside Killer Trial
The trial is coming together for Horaetio Renne Arc'err
By: Jeff Pike, of the Dockside News Report

Courts are moving ahead in the trial of one Horaetio Renne Arc'err, the alleged 'Dockside Killer'. Earlier reported in the Dockside News Report, Arc'err turned himself in at the Port South Holding House after the murders of six victims and numerous animals.

According to public records, Arc'err is currently seeing Dr. Chryrie Nightstar and has had several visitors since his imprisonment began. There has been no statement released from the courts as to when his arraignment is to be set, but documents state that the law firm of Dewey, Cheetum and Howe are to be representing the defendant as a court-appointed defense counsel.

Court appointed prosecutor Harold Lowe had no comment on the case itself or what charges would be filed officially, and only stated that he was in the very preliminary stages and intended to find out more before he moved the case ahead.

Six victims are said to have fallen to the Dockside Killer, including: Jack Sidwell, Jayne Barnsby, Bruce McLennan, Rongar al Hamid, Saeinella Inoyet and Brandon Patrick Hayes. The cause of death was listed in reports as unspecified homicide, and the eyes of all of the victims were removed after death.

Volume 2 Issue 1 September 1, 2007

Zodiac Foiled
Ariana Tarcil saves 87 people at the cost of her own life
By: Rob Mitchell, of the Rhy'Din Vindicator
Contributor: ((Chaos))

On a stormy and inclement night, a battle took place between Ariana Tarcil, a vampiress, and the Zodiac killer who has been attacking victims in Rhy'Din for many months now. According to sources, Tarcil had been hunting the serial killer for some time now.
Witnesses state that the battle was long and difficult, but that Tarcil managed to wound the Zodiac, who had been targeting an apartment building with eighty-seven residents. His blood was the only blood found at the scene.
As the battle drew to a close, the Zodiac killed Tarcil by tearing out her heart and crushing it with his bare hands.
Witnesses say that Tarcil seemed to dissolve in the falling rain, leaving behind nothing but a

bluish mist seen in the ambient light, her clothing and bells that she was known for wearing.
The Zodiac killer was driven off by means of teleportation, leaving behind no blood trail for officials to follow. The apartment building that the killer had been targeting is now under increased surveillance.
Ariana Tarcil leaves behind no living relatives.
Witnesses, rescued individuals and the general population have created an impromptu memorial for the unlikely heroine.
One resident of the targeted apartments had this to say:
"She was a real heroine; she gave her life for us, and even though Rhy'Din has a short memory, she'll never be forgotten by those she saved."

An impromptu memorial for Ariana Tarcil outside of the apartment building that was being targeted by the Zodiac Killer.

Residents of the apartment are currently collecting donations for a more permanent memorial.

August 15, 2007

Rhy'Din's Most Wanted
Known Killers
By: Rob Mitchell, of the Rhy'Din Vindicator

As given by Tom Thompson of the Rhy'Din Watch, the following people are known to be a danger to society and are to be apprehended upon site by any member of the Watch who comes across them. Mister Thompson also said that, given that each of these people are accused of felonies, any common citizen has the right to bring them in, though he stressed repeatedly that all caution should be taken and that under no circumstances are these people to be engaged unless the safety of the arresting party outweighs the danger of the apprehension.

Renna the Betrayer
Wanted for serial murder of unknown number of victims, with charges of disturbing the peace and littering.

Lord Travanix
Wanted for Flesh Trading, Kidnapping and the suspicion of murder in the deaths of 60 members of the Rhy'Din Watch.

The Zodiac
Wanted for serial and mass murder of 130 known victims.

Bob aka Chaos aka The Abyss
Wanted for disturbing the peace, destruction of property and assault.

Wanted for disturbing the peace, destruction of property and assault.

Jonathan Helena Tapole
Wanted for assault with a deadly weapon and obstruction of justice.

Mister Thompson advises all possible caution when dealing with these people, and says that they should be considered armed and dangerous. "Be safe and sensible, people," he went on record as saying. "Don't go fighting violence with violence — vigilante justice isn't going to save this city now, we need to keep our wits about us and work together. Going off on the badguys without thinking will only cost us more lives."
There has been no word on whether or not the listed individuals have been spotted since the Most Wanted List came out, but all sightings and information should be immediately reported to the Rhy'Din Watch at the earliest available opportunity.

Rhydin Vindicator Special Crime Report

Crime in Rhy'Din Rising
City Under Siege
By: Norman Marlin, of the Dockside News Report

According to officials, crime in the city is reaching an all new high. As reported by Tom Thompson of the Rhy'Din Watch, over the past thirty days there have been 130 bodies attributed to the Zodiac Killer, 60 members of the Rhy'Din Watch killed in the line of duty, 123 girls taken into slavery, 34 slavers killed in retaliation, 3 murders not attributed to a serial killer, 3 massacres wherein the body count is still being tallied, 1 kidnapping, 3 violent assaults, 1 case of draconian infanticide and 1 unknown explosion.

According to recent census data, the total population of the city is 20,932 — taking that figure into account, that means that ten percent of the population of the city was wiped out in a thirty day period and another five percent was taken into slavery, according to an official in Governor Helston's office.
A bill was brought forth to hire 100 new watch members, in the hopes of stemming this tide of crime in the city, and immediately approved by the Governor.
Several citizens on the streets have expressed concerns about

the ramp up in crime. While the apprehension and imprisonment of the Dockside Killer brought forth a sigh of relief, citizens are concerned that not enough is being done both by officials and by other citizens to stop the crime wave before it gets out of control.
One man spoken with said, "It ain't that we don't have good people in the city, it's that we ain't got good people working together to stop this insanity. People need to stop workin' as vigilantes and come together, or else we're all gonna be lost for good. I think we need to really get it together."